and for composers and lyricists...
write the lyrics for a song
or write the lyrics and music and...

Musical experiences through poetry,
images, and technology
to better understand
life, love, and nature…

embracing EUROPE …
  musical basis
  musical scores

enrolment form

  graphic specials
  artistic director




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musical experiences through poetry,
images and technology to better understand life, love, and nature... embracing Europe
Song Festival Under 14 for UNICEF
fourth edition
Pisa and Rome

for school groups, authors of lyrics for a song
for composers and lyricists of a song dedicated to kids Under 14

“Project Fortissimo” has reached its fourth edition, more than 7,500 kids from elementary and middle schools from all over Italy have participated in the first three editions altogether, dedicating a part of their time to the creation of lyrics and of music, developing themes interweaving life, love, and nature, for a message of peace and of solidarity.

Project Fortissimo, with this fourth edition, opens up the participation of its artistic workshop to schools and to authors and composers of European member states, of SEE/EFTA countries, and of countries who are candidated to enter Europe.

The President of the Italian Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, wished to honour this project in expressing his “particular appreciation for the involvement of many children on the themes of solidarity and peace”, sending his “most heartfelt good wishes and encouragement” to “continue with enthusiasm, also in the future, in this worthy initiative”.

“Project Fortissimo” is promoted by the International Institute of Arts and Technology (Istituto Internazionale Arte e Tecnologia), in collaboration with Vecchio Mulino Musical Productions (Vecchio Mulino Produzioni Edizioni Musicali), the City and the Province of Pisa, the City of Rome, the Association of Natural Parks of Migliarino, S. Rossore, Massaciuccoli, the Pisa Theatre Foundation, the Piaggio Foundation, the National “Carlo Collodi” Foundation, and is sponsored by the Ministry for Cultural Resources and Affairs (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali), RAI - Segretariato Sociale and the National Italian Singers (Nazionale Italiana Cantanti).

Participation in the festival is free of charge. The themes and the entry forms respect the general criteria which was used for previous editions. The contest announcement, the illustrative and teaching material and the website are also available in English, and in formats which are useful for blind and visually-impaired students and teachers, thanks to the collaboration of the Italian Union of the Blind (Unione Italiana Ciechi) and of the Braille Press of Florence (Stamperia Braille di Firenze).

The event makes use of the active collaboration of Italian public television (RAI - Segretariato Sociale) and will be recorded for television, both for national and satellite broadcast.

“Project Fortissimo” aims to stimulate and promote music among children by way of a creative experience and the development of a repertoire of artistically-valid songs, inspired by ethical, civic, and social ideals, the love by the principles of liberty, and proposed in an imaginative and expressive language suitable for the education of children and teenagers.

“Fortissimo” intends to support the great and important humanitarian work done by Unicef in the world, involving children, teenagers and adults, moved by the power of music and song, with a concrete action of solidarity towards those children who are left only with the possibility of hope, sending to Unicef the proceeds of the recording of the collection of songs of the festival, the fruit of the creative and passionate work of so many kids and adults, trusting that “an infinite number of little drops make the sea…

” The first recording, in double CD, with its 44 songs from the first two editions of Fortissimo, collects the work of about 500 people, including kids, musicians, teachers, and technical operators. This recording means more than the creative experience it represents, because the proceeds are destined to Unicef’s efforts in Angola to help millions of children overwhelmed by the dramatic incidents of a devastating civil war, to send a message of solidarity and of peace - from kids, for kids all over the world.

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translation Italian-English of Eleanor Ponomareff


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